
my philosophy…

Hey, I’m Vika

A cosmic soul just like you simply having a human experience. Undefinable, complex, simple, and ever expanding but if I had to put a label on it you’d call me a Karmic Astrologer, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Teacher.

I work with souls who are ready to heal their karmic wounds, understand their past life signatures, repeated patterns and pain points, soul codes and mastery and begin to step into their power and radical self love in this life. 

By understanding your personal karma, your generational karma, and where you are liberating, healing, and breaking out of old ways of being. 

I aid souls who are looking to embody their cosmic signature and transform their souls through astrology, energy work, and shadow work. 

It is my honour to help you find in finding clarity around your purpose and begin to embody it right here and right now.

I hold space and offer guidance to help you discover your purpose and what has been holding you back from following your true path in this life through soul medicines to truly heal and feel better. 

My work is focused on deep transformation, transmuting shadow to light, and owning your authentic cosmic rhythm.

A little about Vika

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders. After being told countless times everything she was experiencing was “genetic” and “simply how it was” she turned to energy work and became a Reiki Master, Yoga Teacher and Astrologer. 

Vika’s passion is awakening her students and clients to their personal magnificence through understanding the cosmic rhythms of their own souls. By bringing heaven down to earth through a practical and tangible way of understanding astrology she has the privilege of birth the next generation of Karmic Astrologers through her certifications each year. She attributes much of her knowledge to teachers such as Judy Hall, Rick Levine, Steven Arroyo, Liz Greene, and many more.

She studied shamanic astrology under the mentorship of Daphna Romanoff where she was able to truly embody the cosmos by connecting them back to the earth and with her many years of study of yoga, the chakras, and energy work ties these together in her own Karmic Astrology programs to use embodiment healing to shift old patterns and finally find healing in the body, the mind, and the soul. 

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings. 

It's Karmic Astrology Certification

It's Karmic Astrology Certification

Study Karmic Astrology with me through level 1 & 2 and begin to understand astrology through a deeply powerful lens through empowerment, healing, and karmic alignment. This is for the healer or astrology novice. (note, this is not a traditional basic astrology course and you will be learning to read through my own tried and true practice for past life astrology specifically)

Through each certifications you will learn how uncover past life knowledge through your clients birth charts through my tried and true process. You will learn how to bring karmic astrology into your own healing process, and use this knowledge to deepen your healing with your clients. You will discover how to embody and release old karmic ties, first through your own chart, and then through the charts of your clients. 

My Philosophy:

  • I believe you can heal from anything 

  • I believe in karma and past lives

  • I believe you incarnated for a very specific reason

  • I believe your soul chose this experience, the beautiful and the messy and painful

  • I believe you are a powerful being, more powerful than you know

  • I believe the system is bullshit, and it’s time to break out of it

  • I believe your only limitation is the one you put on yourself

  • I believe in shadow work and self ownership

  • I believe you can change your life
    I believe you can break out of generational karma and trauma

  • I believe in leaving victim mentality at the door

  • I believe in you are nature and the more you come back to the earth the more you will be fulfilled

  • I believe you are already whole, you just need to remember and integrate

Ruled by Venus and Pluto, my journey into the underworld started early in life. I talked to spirits as a kid, my mom bought me all the books on astrology, tarot, and magic she could afford on her small salary, and I was supported to be the most unique and magical version of myself. But as we all know, life (and Pluto) need things to be a little bumpier and less simple than discovering my sacred powers from a young age. 

I began experiencing severe depression when I was 12. With a mentally absent mother and a father who I was seeing less and less, I felt completely alone and began to go deep into my personal underworld. I was suicidal from this point on and began to rebel against society, against my parents, and this provided me with some sort of attention as any attention was better than no attention. 

At 16 my world became so dark, something had to change. I remember walking across the same street to school every single day and wishing today would be the day one of these cars hit me and finally ended all my pain. I would lay in bed each night sobbing and wondering how one person could feel so much hurt within their soul. I couldn’t bear it any longer.

Thankfully my path helped me seek out help when I finally decided I wanted to end my life, and through many sessions of counseling, I began to start my healing journey. Through this journey I had to release all old toxic friends, go through an extreme numbing phase of alcohol and anti-depressants and completely and radically hit rock bottom to see the light. 

My need for social approval, my need to be great… to be something special in this world had weighed on me for so long. And it was destroying all the magic I had hidden within me.

Finally, I began to release all this need for the world to see me as being great, and I began to see myself as being truly wonderful, powerful, and sacred from the inside out.  

My path led me to change everything through my physical body. My body began to reject everything it touched. Food, soaps, shampoos, even sometimes people. I was in a state of purification even when I couldn’t see it. I had to cut everything and everyone out of my life that was toxic to my soul. That meant the physical chemicals in food and in make-up, skincare, soaps, everything. But it also meant the people who caused me harm. The people who made me feel less than (or rather the people I told myself I was less than) had to go. There was no more room for toxicity in my life. There was only space for healing, transformation, and for me to truly understand how my souls work in the underworld was part of a liberation process, a purification process, and a healing of self and soul love. 

My transformation led me through the darkest parts of my journey toward the edge of leaving this physical body and moving onward, but somewhere inside I knew I would have to repeat all these lessons if I left in that manner, and so I committed to being here. My body showed me the way to purification, and my soul led me toward the karmic and cosmic healing journey I stand in today. 

Today I am continuing on my lifelong journey of reclaiming my sacred magic, owning my deep wealth of power, connecting to my self-love story and grounding into teaching the cosmic collective how to we can purify together. 

I am so many things, and yet I am just energy.

A Cosmic Witch, a Sacred Priestess, and a Powerful Queen.

I am here to teach you how to uncover your Cosmic Codes, how to discover your Soul’s Path, and how to teach others to do the same through your very own sacred magic. 

Working with me is always deeply transformation, empowering, and heart centred. You will cry, you will laugh, you will begin healing.

I go deep with my clients because I incarnated with a soul mission to help the collective reclaim sacred power through healing wounding. I discover these wounds, archetypes, and help this power be reclaimed through the Cosmic Story of your birth chart. Together we will see repeated stories, cycles, and habits and begin to understand why you have carried over certain energies and signatures.  There’s no fluff, no hiding, and my clients are committed to doing the work, and working with me means bringing things into the physical. It’s all about sacred embodiment because when you begin to move through energetic information, you must begin to release the old patterns through your body as well as your mind and soul. It’s the whole package.

Whether you chose to work 1:1 with me or become a study of the practice you will be invited into your physical through the natal chart with practical tools like embodiment practices, breath-work, crystals, and journalling to solidify your medicines and magic. We’re going to look at the tough stuff, the old stuff, the past life trauma and wounding that gets carried through to this incarnation.  There are often tears in my session, as I work from the underworld through the heart.

It’s all about looking back to where you have been, to understand where you are going. And when we do soul work together, there is always pain but with the pain comes transformational healing.