Karmic Astrology with

Vika Bradford

Remember who the f*ck you are with Karmic Astrology 

Decoding your…

Past Lives
& Ancestry

through your birth chart

I’m Vika…

I will show you how to use Astrology to find deeper self love, empowerment, and alignment in your every day life.

Through healing past life wounds, repeated patterns, and doing deep shadow work through your natal chart you will fall deeply in love with your life again. 

My mission is to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by discovering your authentic self through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. 

  • Obsessed with Astrology, Ancestral Karma & Past Lives? Get on the waitlist for It’s Karmic 2: Decoding Your Ancestral Karma through the Birth Chart

Study Karmic Astrology

It’s Karmic: Past Life Astrology Certification…
The most in depth 12 week Karmic Astrology Intensive that shows you how to unlock your past lives, karma and soul purpose so you can start trusting yourself and living in alignment with who you actually are instead of being who you were  programmed to be-while using this as a healing tool in your sacred work to help others do the same. 

Scorpio Karma Clearing

Scorpio Karma Clearing

Uncover your personal witch would through this 9 page guide and ritual.

This is for anyone and everyone, but Scorpio Moon, Saturn, South Node, and Pluto will find it particularly potent.

It’s all about looking back to where you have been, to understand where you are going. And when we do soul work together, there is always pain but with the pain comes transformational healing. 



Unlock Your Karmic Codes through Your Birth-Chart in this FREE guide

Start de-coding your karmic signature and understanding what has been holding you back from living on your own terms by heading to the link in my bio to get your hands on this practical guide to Karmic Astrology.

My Philosophy: 

I believe you can heal from anything 

I believe in karma and past lives

I believe you incarnated for a very specific reason

I believe your soul chose this experience, the beautiful and the messy and painful

I believe you are a powerful being, more powerful than you know

I believe the system is bullshit, and it’s time to break out of it

I believe your only limitation is the one you put on yourself

I believe in shadow work and self ownership

I believe you can change your life

I believe you can break out of your karmic loop as you uncover your soul lessons.